
Welcome to our website. Our church family is a group of people committed to learning and living the love and truth of Jesus Christ.  Our hope is for all to feel loved and welcomed here.  We pray you find our fellowship an excellent place in which to worship God.  We also invite you to join our community of believers.  We meet for Sunday School and Worship Service on Sunday mornings, Bible Study on Monday evenings, and in small groups throughout the week.  Enjoy this website, but then please visit us. We’d love to meet you and know you.

The joy of Christ catch you!

Pastor Wayne Presnell


  • Bible Study on Monday at 6:30 PM

    Come join us as we continue to study the Psalms on Monday evenings at 6:30 PM.

  • Morning Service & Picnic at the Maiyer's House - Sunday Aug. 25th

    The Sunday morning service at 10:30 AM will be at the Maiyer's house, followed by the picnic. (No Sunday School that morning.) Meet at 3226 Washington South Road, Mansfield, Ohio. Bring a side dish & dessert to share.  Meat & drinks will be provided.  Join us for food, fun & games!